
Reader Service

All issues relevant to the registration of students and staff members, temporary memberships, issuing and cancellation of library tickets, issuing no claim certifications and various requirements of readers are handled by the reader Services section. For further information please consult the Senior Assistant Librarian ( Reader Services ) , whose office are at the first floor of the main library.

Reference Service

An “Inquiry Service” which is attached to the reference section entertain readers for their subject and academic information requirements. This service provides directional and referral information and guides the readers to the correct materials. Readers are also provided an opportunity to request materials from outside sources on Inter Library Loan scheme operated in the reference section.

Photocopying Service                                                                                                                                              

The Photocopying service operated in the library is located at the right side of the entrance of the main library. Similar services are available in other faculty library premises as well. The service operates on concessionary basis and priority is given for the library materials.

Cloak Room

The cloak room is located at the rare of the library close to gymnasium and student canteen. Readers are kindly requested to submit cloaks, coats, umbrellas, all printed materials other than library books, files, folders etc. to cloak room counter and obtain ticket to reclaim the possessions back. No articles of any value should be kept at the cloakroom. The library holds no responsibility for any losses.

Reading Rooms

The Seating capacity in the library is 600. The reading tables are arranged parallel to the book stacks and except the Sri Lanka collection all other collections are on open access. All the reading rooms are common to all faculties.

